Sunday, November 15

day 02 - Nasca

Woke up early this morning at 6:00 am to take the bus to Nasca. It was a grey sky over Lima and a few hundred km down it started even to rain. The south beaches of Lima are perhapds beautiful, but the people behind it live in realy poor conditions. The panamerican highway was first large (4strips), but afterwards it became a simple road on which they drive as crasy !

And then it became completely different : the very hot sun and the real desert.

After a 6 hour drive we came to the Nasca-plateau. And yes the famous lines.

But you do not see much of it from the road. A few minutes later I arrived in Nasca village and found a realy beautifull hotel.

Cactus and bougainvilliers everywhere.

Nasca is not very big (max 20 roads and 1 plaza) so I went for a walk. In belgium they let pass the people, over here they do not stop so you have to wait and take a change from time to time. Before I left I met the local guide and he asked if I was interested to make a flight over the lines .... OF COURSE ... that's why I came to Nasca. So I planned the big flight of 1 hour over the different places of lines and figures ... and as teaser I went with another guide to the lines today. Visisted first the 'lady of the lines', (picture is her car that she used to go from one place to another) a woman who spend 50 years looking after the lines,

afterwards we went to the mirador ( a metal tower of 10m height so you can see 3 different figures the tree, the two hands and the lizard)

and finaly we went to a litte hill where you can see different lines strechching to the horizon.

Then the sunset begins and all coulours changed.

A beautifull sunset and time for dinner and sleep.

Tomorrow up at 7:00 direction airport to take my flight over the lines.

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