Left yesteday (13th) early ...
I am in peru now.
arrived yesterday at 8pm at airport and took taxi to hotel.
went to sleep immediately and slept for 10 hours.
no mobile phone over here ... other system so no use of my phone.
I met new friends and have a day with them today ...
Bought already the busticket for tomorrow early in the morning for Nasca.
I am in a cybercafe for the momemt (cheap) and will reconnect as soon as possible.
Went afterwards with them to a restaurant
and had woderfull food .... we paid only 23€ for the 4 of us.
As started we had big mussels filled with fresh salsa, Causa : tuna with yellow patatos and Conchitas a la parmesanas : scallops (coquilles st jacques) with parmesan (only the last one cost in europe 20€ per person)
As main I had the famous cheviche (raw fish marinated with lime garlic and chili)
All with a cool drink called chicha.
Visited with them Lima center ... very loud and noisy, but also lively !
As I was very tired ... must be the jetlag ... went very early to bed.
A good day in Lima thanks to my friends...